I know what it feels like. like your chest is caving in and you're running out of breath. Like your head is cloudy and every bad thing that has ever happened consumes your thoughts. Anxiety would be considered my weakness and stress is its sidekick. I clench my teeth constantly when thinking about something that I know will cause more stress in my life. Since the day my father passed away I knew my whole state of mind was about to change. For me it was the thought that god didn't love me and if he did, then why did he take the one person I longed to know away from me. I was lost, confused, and angry. I began doing crazy things to my head to remind myself that I was worthless. It didn't get any better throughout high school, having my heart broken, over, and over again. College wasn't any better. Probably a story I shouldn't tell. Now I'm grown and in the military, happily married to an amazing man. But for some reason in my head that isn't enough.
After my and my husband were sent to two different duty stations. I felt like god was yet again taking something important away from me. I am still learning but soon after I learned to not take every little thing in my life and turn it into something bad. Life is life and we don't control everything that happens in it but we do control how we react. I am someone who does not react the way I should. I cry, I bicker, I throw a temper tantrum until someone hears me. Not the right choice. Day by day I am learning to look at the positive things in my life. Leave yesterdays problem in yesterday because today is different and it should be a good day. Lets say something unfortunate happens, learn to not look at it like god hates me, but to look at it like theres a reason that it happened and I must accept it and move on. Stress and Anxiety can affect a any persons state of mind, like it did mine.
Here are some steps I took to diminish Stress and Anxiety each day at a time.
- Wake up with a clear mind and a tell yourself "It's going to be a good day". this will help with letting go of yesterdays thoughts. try not to dwell on the past and leave the past in the past.
- Any time you feel an anxiety attack coming on close your eyes and Just Breath. Whisper to yourself " I'm ok.
- You have control over your emotions. Think of positive things to get your mind off of the negative things. write down a list of everything that makes you happy.
- If you have no control over the situation then remind yourself Everything is going to get better
- Drink water in the morning and have yourself a cup of tea at night to calm your nerves.
- Listen to some positive music that makes you happy. Let go and dance around your room (even if you look like a complete fool)
- Have a hobby such as drawing, reading, writing, sports, anything that calms your nerves.
- Give yourself some alone time, go to a park, take a walk, go to some place beautiful. Travel to places you've never been and explore the beauty in things.
- Smile, smile, and smile again. The more often you smile the happier you become.
- Last but not least. remember to Just Breath